May 29, 2008

The Secret To Building A Successful Network Marketing Business

Did you ever wonder what the secret is to building a successful Network Marketing business?

I know I wondered for years. I would attend company events and ask questions of top income earners, just knowing there was some piece missing that was going to be the answer to my success.

Once I begin to look inward, at myself and my actions, I realized that the "Holy Grail" lies within each of us. We just have to discover it there.

Since that time I have worked on some business principles that have made a difference for me, when I follow them. These are the business rules that I live and die by. It is my belief that if you will follow these business rules, you can not help but be a success.

1. Commit to self development and learning.
Always be reading some type of book on self development and improving yourself.

2. Refuse to get discouraged and especially do not let others discourage you.
If you must take a 15 minute pity party, fine, but then pick yourself back up and put on a smile.

3. Meet, greet and delete your fears.
Take it out, talk to it, laugh and brush it off. Find that "feel good" feeling.

4. Be coachable.
Great ideas are out there everywhere. Be willing to ask, listen and learn.

5. Attend company functions so you can know the heart and soul of the business, management and the leaders. This will help you develop more quickly.

6. Seek out others who want what you have to share and let go of those who do not.

That is it.

Everything else can be done in different ways. You might build through parties, running ads, fundraisers, online, or whatever. You don't have to build in the same way as your upline and sponsor. Find your way and commit to it 100%.

Take action daily and keep your focus and blinders on!

BELIEVE Success!


KentF said...

Hey Frank - good article - enjoy your Traffic Exchange info. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Great article, thanks for the advises.