Nov 16, 2008

Tips For Bloggers .... More Visibility & Traffic

This just in from Michael Lemm...

For those of you with a blog - business or pleasure ..... here's some basic tips:

You should ping immediately after every time you update your blog with a new post. However, I'd not ping more than once a day.

BTW...I recommend using as your primary ping service.....and ping-o-matic as your secondary back-up. Pingoat has a larger coverage of blog directories they submit to.

I also suggest tagging individual post pages with a social bookmarking network like Stumbleupon or de.licious. Or use a multi-tag service like

You can also submit individual article pages to right after posting them to your blog. Make sure you select an appropriate category and that the content is "newsworthy".

Also submit your blog articles to This gets you more visiibilty from those who use your articles (with your author links) .... as well as more back links to your blog (put your blog url in your author box ... in text link format).

Basically ... Post an article to your blog .... then ping it with Pingoat .... then tag it with Onlywire ..... then submit it to Digg ( ..... then submit it to . Doing all of this for every blog post will get you higher search engine listings, back links, higher website page rank, and a ton of traffic if you're consistent with it.

The above is EXACTLY what I do. My blogs average 500+ visitors a day .... on a slow day.
[ see and ]

God Bless,

Thanks again Michael for your great advice.
Talk soon,
Frank Tocco--MLM Mentoring

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