Nov 24, 2008

How to Use Yahoo Answers to Promote Your Business

This is a great post from Staci Wood at StartUpBiz and I was about to write an article about Yahoo Answers and stmble on this. This pretty much covers it so without further ado...

The Yahoo Answers community is a place to learn and share information. It’s where people like you and me submit questions, and other people – like you and me – answer them.

By visiting the Yahoo Answers site, answering questions, networking with other community members, and otherwise participating, you can develop and advance your reputation as an expert on particular topics.

In turn, your participation can help you attract more visits to your website and help you market and promote your business. Others may visit your site or connect with you because they noticed your answers, viewed your profile or clicked through a link to your site.Yahoo! Answers posts are indexed by Yahoo (and other search engines) for a long time, and can result in additional traffic.

Someone searching on a topic may find an answer that contains a link to a page on your Website, and through it visit your site.

Membership and participation in Yahoo Answers is 100% free. So if your small business is on a tight budget, Yahoo Answers can be a useful marketing strategy provided you are willing to spend the time to understand how to use it and to regularly participate.

Take a few minutes to set up a descriptive Yahoo Answers profile -- do not skip this step. Your profile does not need to be long, but make it count.

For instance, some people include their website URL right in the profile. Also, take the time to use an avatar (image). Answers and profiles with an image tend to get more attention than those without. Plus, taking the time to add an image shows you are seriously participating in the community.

Attach your email address and instant messenger address to your profile. This makes it easier for members to connect with you.

I recommend:
To get started, go to: Answers Yahoo.
For additional helpful tips, read: Marketing Your Site on Yahoo Answers.

Before you start answering questions, spend at least 30 minutes just reading. It will help you get a feel for the Yahoo Answers community and get off to a good start.

I recommend:
(1) Read the community guidelines first. That way you will learn what is considered acceptable -- and unacceptable -- behavior. Otherwise you could find yourself reported for abuse.

(2) Read other answers in the categories where you intend to answer questions. For example, you can review Resolved Questions to learn to recognize what makes an answer helpful. Pay particular attention to answers labeled "Best Answer."You earn points for visiting Yahoo Answers and answering questions. If your answer is chosen as the best answer to a question, you receive an additional 10 points and your answer will be elevated to the top of the page.

Visit regularly and focus only on a few categories that are relevant to your business or your website. By giving quality answers and being voted the best answer in your chosen categories, you may eventually become a Top Contributor (in up to 3 categories).

When you have achieved a Top Contributor status, you get an icon signifying you are a Top Contributor within the community. This icon is shown under your avatar and boosts your reputation within the community.

I recommend: Why I love Yahoo! Answers.

Remember that Yahoo Answers is also a community and you can network with other entrepreneurs, business owners, and prospective partners and customers. Connect with other members by becoming a fan of their answers or by adding them as a contact. Whenever fans or members of your community post a question, you will see it within your profile page and can respond to continue to assist them.

I recommend: How to Use Yahoo Answers to Promote Your Business.Helpful advice for making the most of this Guide:Target your efforts --

Focus on categories in which
(1) you are knowledgeable and have a good chance of your answers being voted "Best Answer," and

(2) you want to develop a reputation for having expertise. You can also perform keyword searches to zero in on specific topics.

Add value -- Do not answer questions just for the sake of trying to rack up points. If you have nothing to add, why waste everyone’s time?

Limit the links to your own website -- Feel free to occasionally link to resources on your own website or blog if they truly are informational and help answer the question. Such links will help drive traffic to your website. But don't overdo it, or you may be considered a spammer. Regularly link to OTHER sites and resources besides your own, too.

Give answers, not advertorials -- Answers that essentially say something like “Buy my book or hire my company to get the answers to your question” are nothing more than ads and violate the community guidelines.

Remain neutral -- Do not provoke members of the community by engaging them or the answers they have provided. Simply focusing on assisting others will lend credence to you as an upstanding member within the community.

Participate regularly, but in short intervals -- Obsessive posting may damage your reputation within the community. Besides, answering questions at Yahoo Answers should be but one component of a broader online marketing plan -- not your ENTIRE marketing plan.

Recognize others -- Vote on others’ answers when they are high quality. It’s a good way to make friends. Besides, it shows you are humble, by recognizing that others may have better answers.

Anita Campbell
Small Business Trends

Anita and Staci, thanks for the insightful post and I look forward to more.

Frank Tocco--Marketing Mentor
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