Sep 12, 2008

Two Sites You Must Add To Your Online Marketing Arsenal

Two Sites You Must Add To Your Online Marketing Arsenal
Posted on July 8th, 2008 by admin

Two websites I wanted to make sure that you are tapping into for your online marketing efforts are and

These are both free online classified portals.

Here is an idea for how you can use these two websites to drive traffic to your website:

Make a post in items for sale with the title of the post being the name of the product you promote on your website. Whether you are an ecommerce store owner or an affiliate you can insert your link back to your website. Since your link is active on a high traffic website you can get a lot of exposure for your offer.

The beauty of these two websites is that you can make the hyperlinks live.

Another way to increase traffic even more with this opportunity is to actually bookmark your listing page as this will help make that page potentially get ranked in the search engines so you can get more traffic that way.

Make sure you look at these two websites to really increase traffic to your website starting today.

I am on my way to implement my own tip right now!

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